You aren't donating to the United Way of Norman because you get something in return, but it is fun when you do! Thanks to annual sponsors, we offer incentives to people who donate to our annual campaign. These generous sponsors purchase the prizes, and no funds come from United Way's budget to make this happen. Prize drawings will be held at the United Way of Norman's Celebration event at the end of the campaign season.
First Time Donors
First-time donors are eligible for a $300 gift card. Sponsored by Julia Chew State Farm.
110% Club
All donors who give at least 10% more than the previous year are eligible to win a $110 gift card.
Donors are automatically entered into prize drawings based on the following guidelines: one (1) entry for first-time donors, and one (1) entry for 110% club drawing. You may be entered into more than one drawing if you qualify. Donations must be made before the last day of the annual campaign. United Way staff, board of directors, committee, council, cabinet members, and their immediate families are not eligible. Immediate families include spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, and their respective spouses. Corporate contributions, including charitable foundations, are not eligible. An exception for small business owners who make their contributions in the name of their business may be qualified. The contest winners will be announced at the campaign celebration. You do not have to be present to win. Winners not in attendance will be notified immediately by telephone or certified mail—proper identification is required upon presentation of the prize. The contest winner assumes all liability concerning the use of the award. The contest winner agrees that the United Way of Norman may use the winner's name and likeness for publicity purposes. The winner will be required to sign a release and hold harmless agreement in favor of the United Way of Norman and their respective agents and employees. The winner may claim the prize any time following the public drawing and announcement but may be subject to other terms of use before redemption.